Sisterhood Circle
Do you feel?
tired, overwhelmed
like you are always thinking thinking thinking and doing doing doing
depleted from putting other’s needs before your own?
like your life is lacking meaning
isolated, alone
like you’re constantly pretending to be something you’re not
disconnected from others when connection is what you want more than anything?
tired of in-authenticity all around us
you want to unhook from all the “doing” in your life, but don’t know how?
fed up with comparing yourself to others
Would you like to feel?
like you CREATED MEANING together with other women
like simply BEing YOU is enough
Nurtured from the inside
If you answered yes, to any of the questions, please join us at an upcoming Luxmama Sisterhood Circle, for women (sisters) of all ages, flavours and backgrounds
In this Sisterhood Circle, we will:
Create a SAFE and SACRED space where you can come as you are
Move from your busy mind to your OPEN HEART
Connect on a deeper level with other women
Let all the pretenses fly
Show compassion for each other
Hold space for and listen with heart to one another
Have the intention to BE OURSELVES
Befriend authenticity
BREATHE deeply
Free our voices
FEEL our feelings
MOVE and CELEBRATE our bodies without any pressures or competition
CELEBRATE our feminine strength
Deepen your connection to your intuition
--> by tapping into the POWER of women in community, SISTERS in CIRCLE
--> and following all the changes we've experienced individually as women as well as the collective awakening our planet is facing:
our theme for Oct 24 2020 will center around the "Wise Woman Within"
and Dec 5 2020 will be "Sacred Boundaries"
Sharing circles enable women to respond to their life challenges with greater grace and dignity. Circling do this by providing sisterly support dedicated to helping women identify and master their personal lessons. This is one of the reasons why sister circles was pivotal in indigenous cultures and it’s why it’s resurfacing today as a global phenomenon.
It is time.
Are you joining us?
Note: Sisters that book their spots can request to join our super secret Sisterhood Circle closed & private FB group to make it easier for you to stay in touch after circle.

What Sisters said previously:
"For me it was a very positive experience to get to know the authentic, soft and vulnerable side of so many woman during the sisterhood circle. It was releasing to be able to share worries and fears without being judged. The Luxmama club created a very warm and cosy environment where I could finally take a break from my duties as a working mom, listen to my body and find answers within myself." S.S.
"As soon as i entered the place , i forgot that i have somewhere problems, misunderstanding, frustration. I could focus only on the beautifuI faces around me. I liked to connect, to observe, to feel others...We were appart before the circle and became one during it💓." Dhara
"Attending the Sisterhood Circle morning was a very energising and positive experience. It helped me to re-connect with myself and others, calm my mind and nurture my spirit. The presence of other sisters was really empowering and supporting. I will determinately join another one." Joanna.
"A really great experience! Amazing how little is enough for two strangers to become familiar to each other." Monika
"It was a really beautiful experience, at the same time powerful, and soft and loving. We should do it once a month! We’d feel so much lighter and more connected." Anne-Marie David
We invite to this SISTERHOOD CIRCLE:
ADULT WOMEN (+20 years) of ALL ages, flavours and backgrounds, whether or not you are/were/intend to be a mother
If you are a mother, please note: this is time for YOU, a break away from parenting. Please ensure to arrange any babysitting (if applicable) in advance so you can come and relax
please sign up here to be informed when bookings open for future circles.
Sisterhood Circle is changing to:
Women's Empowerment & Healing Circle

Please wear comfy clothes, easy to move in and breathe, that make you feel yummy!
Your journal + pen
Filled water bottle
Little blankie/scarf & warm socks (whatever you need to be comfortable in relaxation/meditation)
A willingness to connect authentically
A small special item that carries significance to you to place on our center altar to be infused during Circle and then taken back home (e.g. a candle, a feather, a necklace, a crystal, a letter, a memorabilia, a stone, nature item, picture etc.
COVID19 precautions:
Please wear your mask.
After taking off shoes, jackets etc & leaving it in the space provided in entry, please wash hands/use the provided hand sanitiser in the restroom before entering the studio & after Circle. Use the disposable paper towel provided.
Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before the starting time.
latecomers will not be admitted.
Please respect the rules, do not come if you're not feeling well